Saturday, May 28, 2011

what was I thinking when I decided that it was okay to have a family?

You know, I got married a little over 8 years ago and to this day, I'm still trying to figure out what I was thinking.  My husband is a full time working dad and a full time pain in my butt.  We have 4 kids and out of everyone in this house I seem to be the only one who can be sane and have common sense.  I titled my blog "living a sitcom series" for so many reasons.  Have you ever seen the t.v. shows "Everybody Loves Raymond," or "Home Improvement"?  and to sum up my marriage "Rules of Engagement" ?  Well, these shows and so many more sum up my life in a nutshell. 
I have one daughter and 3 boys.  Well, let's just say when it comes to our daughter, my husband is clueless.  She gets hormonal and has her mood swings and he just looks at me like I should have the answers.  Poor guy can't hide in his big chair deep enough.  He will work as much as possible when it's that time.  she's a typical tomboy princess and he loves her but can't handle her.  they have what they call the "helmet society" you can't join unless you have a helmet and crayons to share.  LOL  she is daddy's girl.  although, when it comes to common sense she has NONE.  book smarts oh yes, but the thinking aspect, NO.  sometimes i wonder if it's on purpose but then i watch her and realize that it's unconsciously ignorant.  i do love her but holy moly.
now on to my 3 boys.  put together with their daddy makes for trouble.  the day always starts out the same; fights.  you always hear that brothers fight, it's what they do, but i actually have the one son that will fight with himself.  my middle son.  he has something called azbergher's syndrome and i tell you what, that child is his own trigger.  he can wake up, walk down the hall, and be happy when he opens his eyes but fighting when his foot hits the floor.  he is my adrenaline junky and little genius.  now my oldest boy is who we like to call princess.  it's mean i know but unlike anyone else in the house, he loves the phone, chats, and can throw a drama queen tantrum like no other chick.  he has his own issues but i still love him.  and he has a crush on the meanest girl in his class go figure.  now my youngest son is a bit of a scrambled mess.  he picked up all the worst habits from the older three children and from me and my husband, that he is in no need of medication like his siblings but a normal kinda crazy.  the other children have forms of ADD or ADHD etc. but not the little one.  he's a normal thinking, normal acting, mean.  i think that makes for a bit of a nutsy environment.  i will gladly dwell on these things for your entertainment and Yes, i have been told they make for a great laugh.  maybe for everyone who hears, but try living in it and not pulling your hair out.  I'm thinking of putting myself in an institution for a vacation.  LOL

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. It's awesome for venting - that's why I stared mine!
