Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Texting each other is only good when your phone is on vibrate

Did you know that talking during an awards program was rude?   LOL  Well, guess what, I have never been able to sit still long enough to shut up, so guess who was the obnoxious parent at the program.   LOL  Yup, that's right, ME.  and my friend Annette.  I gave a ride to Tris's friend and her mom and yes, from the get go we all knew how I would be.  Needless to say, I am worse than kids at any function.  When you think that the kids are going to be the problem, you learn it's hardly them so much as me.  I bounce, chat, giggle, squirm, and eventually make rude gestures to people around me.   When Annette and I realized people may be slighlty thinking we were rude, I solved our problem.  Yup, that's it, I started texting.  LOL  funny thing is, her phone wasn't on vibrate.  YES SIR, you heard in the quiet, "you have a text"   LOL  hahahaha   then, to beat all, she dropped her phone on the poor people already aggravated by us in the row in front.  man, it was fun.  nate took the boys to their program but i have no clue how that went other than they got food and trophies.  We got full bladder's, back aches, Annette's feet fell asleep, and we were kids all over again, but you know the point?  Heck when you figure it out let me know.  I just wanted you to know: " Don't you hate it when people next you text you?"   HAHAHAHAHA


Well tomorrow is my 4 year old’s interview for K-4.  Needless to say if they are too smart they fail and if they are too ignorant they pass.  At least that sums it up more or less.   LOL  well in all honesty I hope he’s dumb enough to fail to get in.  Then it will be me and my school work for at least 3 hours a day.  Yay me!  Or maybe not so much.  J I will attempt full time heavy load.  Now all my kids will be in school.  Or shall I say my whole house will be in school.  
Did you know that no matter how long you go to school, it doesn’t make you smarter sometimes.  LOL  if only they taught common sense in school along with book smarts.  Heck, in our school system here they really don’t try to teach either.  My kids learn more from tv and video games than they do in school.  I think the most my kids have learned in school around here is how to hide from bullies, how to be nasty, and how to be mean.  Go figure.  Well school you couldn’t handle my 8 year old, here comes the last in line.   LOL   all of my kids went to the same school and most of them all had the same teachers.  By now they wish I’d move.
Every time the phone rings I just pick it up and answer “what did nate do?”  I don’t even suspect anyone else.  LOL  well now last in line is worse than all three of the big ones so I guess I gotta prepare for may be to come.   He can’t wait.  As far as my youngest is concerned, he’s been in school for 10 years, with teachers of all kinds and his own personal cheerleaders in class…LOL  he has a very active imagination. I hope they can handle it.  Then again, he may be the new lil nate in the building and everyone will love him.   oh great !!!!   that’s what ruined lil nate.   We shall see tomorrow.

Monday, May 30, 2011

in laws

Ok here’s a post for ya.  I know there is a myth that most all married people have in-law issues.  Well, I must say I am one of those married people.  My mother in law is a breed of her own.  LOL  between her and the rest of my husband’s loco family, I married stuck-up-ville’s mama’s boy.  ( I do, though, love the nana and papa more than life itself.)  but back to the reason wives and mom-in-laws don’t hardly ever get along.   NO ONE WILL EVER BE MOMMA!!!   I got one of those momma screwed him up when he was a kid and now he’s still waiting on her to love him.  Go figure.  At least I know why my husband has issues.  Meme (what she makes the kids call her so that’s what I call her) is a rare breed of stuck up on herself.  She rarely remembers birthdays or holidays for anyone in this house, yet, when she wants something or is afraid people may think she is not doing her part, she will call out of the blue and suck up.   Her and I have never seen eye to eye, especially about family life or marriage.  She is a firm believer that once your married you have to stay married even if you’re miserable, but all for affairs if it means no divorce and no one finds out.  Now here’s the kicker, her daughter is just as bad and none of the other siblings want anything to do with her or their dad, who, by the way, couldn’t tell you the truth about anything even if he could remember it.  That man thinks he’s a wolf.  Snores like a bear, lies like a rug, and is nutty than a squirrels nest.  I’m glad I at least live 8 hours away.   I would go nuts if I had to live with them again.  We tried that for a little while and it caused more hell than it helped.  She would tell my husband I was being lazy when I was trapped upstairs with my boys while my daughter was in school.   Please, I tried to clean up once and got my ass handed to me for throwing away what I assumed was trash.   Packrat.  Oh well, just sayin. 

bored and just because

So here it is another day in the life of me.  Am I to say it is eventful? Yes.  Am I to say it’s happy? At times. What about sad? Uh, duh. What about tormenting?  Heck yeah.  My husband had to open this morning so he was up and gone by 430.  Yay cause I slept till after 8.  Bout time. Only problem was the dog woke me up to whining.  Booooooo!!!!   For once the kids slept in and I had to get up.  Go figure.  That’s how it works.  Hehehe    well it was a peaceful morning.  It usually is when we wake up without daddy here to make for torment.  Ok except for those mornings when my 8 year old wakes up pissy.   So far they have a week left of school and man am I counting down til they go back.  Don’t think bad of me, I have the kids that don’t do well when stuck together for more than a weekend. 
So this morning my now 4 year old has decided to be grown.  He literally “fine’d” me for at least 10 minutes.  LOL all because he wanted junk and I said NO.  Then it started into whatever and seriously.   He’s a trip.  And here we go now MOM MOM MOM MOM …..   I love that.  All kids at once MOMing me to death.  I would change my name but they would learn it.  LOL   I can’t say much right now because it’s only noon and the chaos in this house doesn’t start until later.  When they are coming off their medicines.  

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Sometimes I sit back and wonder if the choices I make for my family are anywhere close to being right.  Then we go through the motions and the outcome always seems bad.  So why do I even try? Well for my kids, of course.  Right now is a hard time in our house.  My 10 year old son is going through a tough time in his life (as I last wrote about) right now and here I sit again crying trying to figure out what to do.  How do I tell him that I’m sorry?  Even though I haven’t done anything wrong, I feel like his emotional feelings of abandonment from his father and his daddy are my fault.  It eats at you when you are the mom and you can’t fix it.   My husband and I got married when I already had two kids and he already had one.  We then had two more sons together so there is a big bunch of us.  My daughter walks around with the “I don’t care” attitude and she can adjust to any given situation, yet my son isn’t that way.  For 4 kids living under the same roof, my children are as different as night and day.  It is to be expected I know but it still kills me that my kids are all me in some form or another.
Anyways, I finally got fed up with my husband and his treatment of MY son and yet again went head to head with the beast.  ( I fear no one when it comes to my kids) as he sits in his chair with his t.v. show on, I start.  And yes, I love to argue with him because I know I am not wrong in anything I have to say, yet as far as he is concerned it is just the same shit a different day.  He sits and watches tv while I continue to bitch.  My kids even throw in their opinions because they know they have every right to state them.  I believe firmly that as kids they have a right to FEEL.  No child should have to be dictated to.  I grew up that way and I won’t let my kids be changed just because the man of the house says that’s how it is.  I am very head strong and very protective.  It took a whole life of being worth nothing to anyone that mattered for me to see that my kids wouldn’t go through the same thing.  But yet as I sit back I realize that history has a way of cycling til lessons are learned and the cycle is broken. 
I pray for my children daily.  I bless them before bed and school. I bless their rooms so they can sleep without worry.  The one thing I cannot protect them from is life.  My son is my heart.  My sick baby through most all of his early childhood and now he doesn’t know how to adapt or to be part OF anything.  Now here I sit crying in my room pouring out these words onto my computer.  Wondering when it will change. When will God realize that now’s the time I need HIM to step in.I am not strong enough to do this anymore.  I may have no fear of getting hurt for my children, but I do not want to get hurt leaving my children to survive.  I love them.  God hear me.   Why can’t my husband realize that being a softer man doesn’t make you less of a man?  What else can I do or say or bitch?  

Going nuts

Ya know, today is my youngest son's birthday and since last night it has been nothing but torment.  He is too young to really care about anything but his cake a present so that sums up his day in a nutshell.  My issue is with my pathetic excuse for a husband.  Last night i realized my husband doesn't really think he has to be responsible for the growth of my son.   all boys look to the closest man in their life to role themselves after.  well , my husband took on responsibility for my oldest boy since before he was born. (or so i thought)  for 10 years i have watched my son grow up to be more like me than anyone.  he is lost on who he should be and it tears me up.  now is his identity defining phase and he doesn't have a clue.  there is no man to show him.  I tried to talk to my husband about it last night when he got home and finally the truth came out.  "It's not my fault his dad doesn't show him any attention or want anything to do with him"  WTF??????  i told him that's his job.  go figure.  he's the only dad he knows and it kills me.  i spent the night crying because it's my fault.  i married this man with the intent of him being a good dad but little did i know he was just like his mom.  only blood is family.   son of a bitch.  well just venting but one of these days this man will get his cummupans.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

what was I thinking when I decided that it was okay to have a family?

You know, I got married a little over 8 years ago and to this day, I'm still trying to figure out what I was thinking.  My husband is a full time working dad and a full time pain in my butt.  We have 4 kids and out of everyone in this house I seem to be the only one who can be sane and have common sense.  I titled my blog "living a sitcom series" for so many reasons.  Have you ever seen the t.v. shows "Everybody Loves Raymond," or "Home Improvement"?  and to sum up my marriage "Rules of Engagement" ?  Well, these shows and so many more sum up my life in a nutshell. 
I have one daughter and 3 boys.  Well, let's just say when it comes to our daughter, my husband is clueless.  She gets hormonal and has her mood swings and he just looks at me like I should have the answers.  Poor guy can't hide in his big chair deep enough.  He will work as much as possible when it's that time.  she's a typical tomboy princess and he loves her but can't handle her.  they have what they call the "helmet society" you can't join unless you have a helmet and crayons to share.  LOL  she is daddy's girl.  although, when it comes to common sense she has NONE.  book smarts oh yes, but the thinking aspect, NO.  sometimes i wonder if it's on purpose but then i watch her and realize that it's unconsciously ignorant.  i do love her but holy moly.
now on to my 3 boys.  put together with their daddy makes for trouble.  the day always starts out the same; fights.  you always hear that brothers fight, it's what they do, but i actually have the one son that will fight with himself.  my middle son.  he has something called azbergher's syndrome and i tell you what, that child is his own trigger.  he can wake up, walk down the hall, and be happy when he opens his eyes but fighting when his foot hits the floor.  he is my adrenaline junky and little genius.  now my oldest boy is who we like to call princess.  it's mean i know but unlike anyone else in the house, he loves the phone, chats, and can throw a drama queen tantrum like no other chick.  he has his own issues but i still love him.  and he has a crush on the meanest girl in his class go figure.  now my youngest son is a bit of a scrambled mess.  he picked up all the worst habits from the older three children and from me and my husband, that he is in no need of medication like his siblings but a normal kinda crazy.  the other children have forms of ADD or ADHD etc. but not the little one.  he's a normal thinking, normal acting, mean.  i think that makes for a bit of a nutsy environment.  i will gladly dwell on these things for your entertainment and Yes, i have been told they make for a great laugh.  maybe for everyone who hears, but try living in it and not pulling your hair out.  I'm thinking of putting myself in an institution for a vacation.  LOL