Tuesday, July 26, 2011

never debate or judge my crazy family

Going out to dinner is easy for some but not us.  LOL  last night my husband decided he wanted us to try a new place that opened in town called “the Cookout.”  Well, the kids are excited and can’t wait to go out somewhere to eat.  It was too hot to eat at home and I sure as hell wasn’t cooking.  My son went to his lil girlfriend’s house and my daughter’s best friend came with us.  Well, all in all, it was me, my husband, my two youngest sons, and my daughter and her friend (who is identical in personality to her).  Let’s just say getting into the car and heading out is adventure time beginning in this house.  Please understand it is sticky, muggy, and there is no air in my van and there are 6 of us.  
Ok so story begins.  We get ALL the way across town (we live on outskirts) to this new place.  HOLY SHIT!!!!!!   It’s a tiny little building that is basically cheap fast food but a place that serves a combo of all the fast food places.  Taco Bell, burger places, hotdogs, etc.   boo already!!!   Needless to say my husband is thrilled.  WE’RE NOT!  No one in the van wanted to go into this crowded little joint with this many people as sweaty as we were and there were no parking spot and no tables.   HELL NO!!!!   I have issues with large groups of people and small spaces so guess I’m out either way.   Well we decided against my husband on going in so we get stuck in drive through.   He’s still so excited to try this new place.  He is going through that menu only to have us tell him we will get something from another drive through.  Well let the childish tantrums begin…….LOL
He persists to whine about how that’s a waste of gas when it’s all right here on the menu blah blah blah……well, I don’t crack so he does.  Hehehehehe    he prissily drives off.   He’s mad that he did not get anything from that menu.  Go figure I told him repeatedly to get something while he was sitting there.   But NOPE.  Men are just weird.  Well on the way home the kids are whining and my daughter’s friend puts up her little imaginary shield (LMAO) so that my daughter doesn’t get her involved.  It’s getting more and more childish.  We stop for gas so I  turn around while he pumps the gas and ask what everyone wants.  IHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  yay them.  So he gets in the car and says “So what are we doing?”  I gladly grin and say “Chili’s”  and yes, who got their way?  ME!!!  I don’t deal well with childish tantrums at all from kids or my husband.   Only I can do it cause, well, honestly? I say so.  Hehehe  when you live in this house you tend to get that thinking. 
Anyway, we get to Chili’s.  needless to say we looked like white ghetto people walking in the door.  Two little preppy snotty little girls are waiting on the table as my bunch walk in.  I’m in sweats and a nightshirt, my youngest is in his lightning McQueen jammy pants and my daughter and her friend looked just wrong.  My middle son was the only one dressed nice, even my hubby was in yard work gear.   LOL  we were just sore thumbs (at least til it was time to go then there was redneck bumpkin at the table next to us)  LOL   anyways, this is where embarrassment for anyone but my family kicks in.   number one the girls are fighting over what plate to split, (now the whole time my usually wild son is the only one in this story who actually sits and is good for once) my husband is bitching over what to order and how long he is gonna have to wait for it, and I’m laughing at everyone and so is the waitress.   We finally order and now hubby has to pee.  He gets up to leave the table and out of nowhere my youngest son stands up in the booth leans over the snotty people behind us and yells, “ my daddy gotta goo pee pee!!!!”  holy cow!!!!  Yup funny right, not done.  While daddy gone and after several times of my youngest saying that line loudly repeatedly, everyone resumes dinner.  My youngest starts playing with his privates while standing up.  Hubby says, “You gotta go to the bathroom?”  Son, (saying loudly yet again) “No, gosh, I’m playing with my nuts!”  It only gets worse from here.  Lol my daughter bites into a quesadilla and next thing you know she’s being loud “OH GROSS A HAIR IN MY FOOD”   lmao yeah we’re trashy.  LOL   well needless to say she got a new plate and then all the kids got their meals free.   Well there is so much more that I could tell you but I’m pretty sure you get the picture.  We are trashy in chili’s picture all these nice people dressed nice int heir stuck ways and in walks us.  In jammies and loud.  LOL  yes, we ARE those people.   But, you know what, we are not ashamed that we know how to have fun.   If you don’t like us then go somewhere else and get the cobb out your butt.   On that note, I won the debate and my husband will have to get over not going to where he wanted and emberassed overall….LOL   but, he ate and he was full and he called me old then childish so either way he was full and so were the kid and all of us ate for 36 dollars cuz my daughter ate a hair and made everyone paranoid.  LOL    

Friday, July 22, 2011

custody battles suck

Life is hell in the Hall household.   Lawyers are ignorant and they are paid well for that manipulative behavior.  Does it suck? YES.  What do you do when you know what should be right and you have an attorney dragging his heels while the welfare of your child is at jeopardy?  Well, simple, call DSS on your own.  Getting to the point here, my step son is in the care of his great grandparents. (not something we are proud to admit but at that time it was the only choice)  It was in the best interest of the child at that time due to my husband and I living in a motel with 2 children already.  Now they are elderly and health failing.  Nana is wheelchair bound and was just sent home from the nursing home. (not by choice, mind you, but because health insurance is dry)  she isn’t capable of caring for herself much less a child who thoroughly enjoys being the king of the kingdom.  Papa is neglecting major needed surgeries til nana gets better and can’t keep his memory long enough to make the child bathe.  My stepson is fixing to be 12 years old and uses guilt to manipulate emotions in people.  He lies constantly and they are poisoning him against my husband who has nothing but the want for his son to come home.  To top it all off the child still believes that my husband and my children are his cousins.  All because this is what nana has burned into his head.  If he were to know that they were siblings he would want to be with them so they will not let him know.  I mean seriously??????  How do you not know that if you all call the same man DADDY, that you aren’t siblings?  Oh well.  
They received the child custody this morning and to let you know the kicker, it wasn’t even the grand parents that called to bitch, IT WAS THE BOY!!!!!   Point blank, I do NOT discuss legal matters with a child.  It doesn’t concern him.  Now the court system wants to wait til the beginning of next year to do anything.  I think NOT.  By that point they will have poisoned him so badly against his dad that it will be even worse.   Please don’t think any of this is out of vengeance my husband has been wanting custody of his son since we got stable in a home.  6 years ago.   Now it’s just a vital necessity. Nana should still be under 24/7 care and isn’t and papa can’t remember how to get home half the time. 
Earlier today papa went to the store and left the boy home with nana to care for while he went out.  NOT COOL.  She had to go to the bathroom and there was no one who could take her.  The last we knew of the child hadn’t bathed or changed clothes since Monday.  It’s Friday now.   Ew!!!!   What do we do???  My husband is now to the point of rage at his grandparents and the legal system.  Why is it that doing it the right way never works?   He has only had visitation once in 10 years.  And even that was pure hell.   They called every day reassuring the child that they could not function without him so he cried the whole time.  They even came to our door early to take him home.  From Tennessee!!!!!!    Go figure.  
Well enough rambling about this I’m pissed off as it is for my husband’s situation.  Any advice is welcome.  Thanks for listening.

Friday, July 8, 2011

be careful when you teach your kids it's okay to voice your opinion.

You know, when my daughter was younger my husband always taught her that you should never be afraid to say what you truly feel.  Well, even now, twelve years later, she is still living up to her dad’s lessons.  Last night I met a really cool lady and her husband.  They came over to relieve me of my exercise elliptical due to the fact that my kids were going to kill themselves on it.  That and I swear it was always the one thing that could kill you in the dark because of where it stood.   Anyhow, this cool woman shows up and all is going well til it’s time to load it up.  Now understand right now it’s me and my 4 kids, and her and her disabled husband (motorcycle wreck).  My sweet hearted daughter out of nowhere looks at her and says, “okay now you’re old and, well, that’s my mom, so how are you getting it out the door?”  needless to say, I was floored and, yes, even oddly offended.  Not at the fact yet that she called the lady old to her face, but that she called me puny.  What the heck?????   LOL  then I realized she just told this lady she was old.   The poor lady looked great for her age and she really was only like 46 but shoot, by the time I moved the couch out of the way she already had that thing halfway out the door…HOLY COW.  It wasn’t that heavy like you’d think, just off balance because of it’s structure.  Well, I finally get out there to help her get it down the steps and sure as crap, my kids and her husband are loving every minute of this because my daughter is still picking at me for having issues trying to carry it down the stairs to the point that this woman even asks, “I’ll slow down to one step at a time so you don’t fall.”  SERIOUSLY?????????  Does everyone in the vicinity think I’m weak?  I couldn’t balance the handle bar end without trying not to break the electronic dash.  She says, “pick up the stationary bars” go figure.  DUH!!!!   Well we finally get it in the trailer and I swear, my kids are floored.  My daughter is loving every minute of doggin me.  “man mom, she’s old and she still got that whole thing in there by herself”  I mean dang do you people not see that I was right there too?   Nope.   Now all the while my 2 youngest sons had already made themselves at home in this couple’s trailer.  They are throwing things down the ramp, jumping in it, ride their bikes in it.  Al I can think is “these people think we’re nuts”  but her hubby is so sweet he tells me it’s just nice to see them happy and playing.  Well before they leave she tells us she has to go home to help her daughter who just had an infection cleaned out of a toe and of course who should chime in to that one?  My daughter. Yup. All mouth no thinking.  “really????  Did they take off her foot?”   nope. “did they take off her toe?”  nope.  “well dang I thought it would be gross”  she tells my daughter, who’s disappointed that the poor girl didn’t get her foot taken off, they had to remove some nasty, green, oozy stuff from it.  Well that sealed it.  My daughter was ultimately engrossed in finding out all the gory details.  Eventually she goes, “well in a house where there are more penises than boobies that’s just how your brain starts to work”   WHAT HAVE I BEEN RAISING?????   LOL  well needless to say all is well and they seemed delighted to meet everyone but as I told my husband 1. Thanks for the way he is raising my daughter to be like him. and 2. Stop laughing at my supposed weakness.   He just couldn’t help but continue to laugh at this elder woman moving this machine before I even got to turn around.  LOL  I guess it was funny and yes I’m a bit overwhelmed at my daughter’s uncensored mouth but hell, at least she doesn’t lie.  If she’d learn to curb it a bit I wouldn’t feel dumb.   Hehehehehe    oh yeah and to top it off, I’m not weak by any means, I box, do some martial arts and know how to fight or flight (depending on the situation and who I have to outrun) if need be.  Not weak at all. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

the 4th of july

i guess unlike most people my family doesn't celebrate these kind of days.  Not to say we're against them but when people ask what i'm doing for the 4th i clearly state, "Thanking God i woke this morning and that hopefully i'll survive the day and see the 5th."  honestly that's all we do.  in this house with not much for money we don't really get enthusiastic for holidays.  we can't.  we have not really much for family around here or do we keep too many friends to have get togethers so it's another day.  today was truly a day just like the rest.  my husband went to work and my kids fought, played, fought again and then finally just went to bed after meds.   one of these days i will wake up and it will be a literally NEW day.  
My 2 oldest sons are grounded for a month.  YES, i said a month.  They steal.  not from just anyone, but me.  and to beat it all, they swear it's neither one of them yet they both get caught red handed.  does anyone have a clue what goes through the mind of a boy when he's got the lighter in his hand or the chocolate on his face and swears it was the other one?  i mean really?????   my 8 year old has sticky little fingers but the worst part is he thinks he's right even after a good butt cutting and grounding and losing everything.  my 10 year old will tell me he did something long after he did it when i threaten to go through their room.  like that will make me any less angry.   LOL   boys really have no frontal lobe thinking skills when they are young.   go figure.  sometimes i wonder if they will ever just stop, realize i'm going to catch them, i'm going to be right, and just not do it.   UGH...............NOPE.  that's the problem with boys.   until their frontal lobes develop maturely moms are screwed.   in my case, 3 times over.   LOL  although, i am beginning to wonder if my daughter will ever grow common sense but i was taught that you can only have book smart or street smart.  poor thing is lucky she will be pretty.   she's book smart as hell but the rocks in her box just ain't there.   LOL   well as usual it was just another day whether it be the 4th or 5th.  boys grounded and praying they don't get a whippin when daddy gets home and daughter who is so bored she can't see straight.  that's any day in this house.   HAPPY 4TH ALL.   PEACE BE WITH YOU, PRAY FOR ME>>>>>>>>>>>LOL