Tuesday, July 26, 2011

never debate or judge my crazy family

Going out to dinner is easy for some but not us.  LOL  last night my husband decided he wanted us to try a new place that opened in town called “the Cookout.”  Well, the kids are excited and can’t wait to go out somewhere to eat.  It was too hot to eat at home and I sure as hell wasn’t cooking.  My son went to his lil girlfriend’s house and my daughter’s best friend came with us.  Well, all in all, it was me, my husband, my two youngest sons, and my daughter and her friend (who is identical in personality to her).  Let’s just say getting into the car and heading out is adventure time beginning in this house.  Please understand it is sticky, muggy, and there is no air in my van and there are 6 of us.  
Ok so story begins.  We get ALL the way across town (we live on outskirts) to this new place.  HOLY SHIT!!!!!!   It’s a tiny little building that is basically cheap fast food but a place that serves a combo of all the fast food places.  Taco Bell, burger places, hotdogs, etc.   boo already!!!   Needless to say my husband is thrilled.  WE’RE NOT!  No one in the van wanted to go into this crowded little joint with this many people as sweaty as we were and there were no parking spot and no tables.   HELL NO!!!!   I have issues with large groups of people and small spaces so guess I’m out either way.   Well we decided against my husband on going in so we get stuck in drive through.   He’s still so excited to try this new place.  He is going through that menu only to have us tell him we will get something from another drive through.  Well let the childish tantrums begin…….LOL
He persists to whine about how that’s a waste of gas when it’s all right here on the menu blah blah blah……well, I don’t crack so he does.  Hehehehehe    he prissily drives off.   He’s mad that he did not get anything from that menu.  Go figure I told him repeatedly to get something while he was sitting there.   But NOPE.  Men are just weird.  Well on the way home the kids are whining and my daughter’s friend puts up her little imaginary shield (LMAO) so that my daughter doesn’t get her involved.  It’s getting more and more childish.  We stop for gas so I  turn around while he pumps the gas and ask what everyone wants.  IHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  yay them.  So he gets in the car and says “So what are we doing?”  I gladly grin and say “Chili’s”  and yes, who got their way?  ME!!!  I don’t deal well with childish tantrums at all from kids or my husband.   Only I can do it cause, well, honestly? I say so.  Hehehe  when you live in this house you tend to get that thinking. 
Anyway, we get to Chili’s.  needless to say we looked like white ghetto people walking in the door.  Two little preppy snotty little girls are waiting on the table as my bunch walk in.  I’m in sweats and a nightshirt, my youngest is in his lightning McQueen jammy pants and my daughter and her friend looked just wrong.  My middle son was the only one dressed nice, even my hubby was in yard work gear.   LOL  we were just sore thumbs (at least til it was time to go then there was redneck bumpkin at the table next to us)  LOL   anyways, this is where embarrassment for anyone but my family kicks in.   number one the girls are fighting over what plate to split, (now the whole time my usually wild son is the only one in this story who actually sits and is good for once) my husband is bitching over what to order and how long he is gonna have to wait for it, and I’m laughing at everyone and so is the waitress.   We finally order and now hubby has to pee.  He gets up to leave the table and out of nowhere my youngest son stands up in the booth leans over the snotty people behind us and yells, “ my daddy gotta goo pee pee!!!!”  holy cow!!!!  Yup funny right, not done.  While daddy gone and after several times of my youngest saying that line loudly repeatedly, everyone resumes dinner.  My youngest starts playing with his privates while standing up.  Hubby says, “You gotta go to the bathroom?”  Son, (saying loudly yet again) “No, gosh, I’m playing with my nuts!”  It only gets worse from here.  Lol my daughter bites into a quesadilla and next thing you know she’s being loud “OH GROSS A HAIR IN MY FOOD”   lmao yeah we’re trashy.  LOL   well needless to say she got a new plate and then all the kids got their meals free.   Well there is so much more that I could tell you but I’m pretty sure you get the picture.  We are trashy in chili’s picture all these nice people dressed nice int heir stuck ways and in walks us.  In jammies and loud.  LOL  yes, we ARE those people.   But, you know what, we are not ashamed that we know how to have fun.   If you don’t like us then go somewhere else and get the cobb out your butt.   On that note, I won the debate and my husband will have to get over not going to where he wanted and emberassed overall….LOL   but, he ate and he was full and he called me old then childish so either way he was full and so were the kid and all of us ate for 36 dollars cuz my daughter ate a hair and made everyone paranoid.  LOL    

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