Friday, July 22, 2011

custody battles suck

Life is hell in the Hall household.   Lawyers are ignorant and they are paid well for that manipulative behavior.  Does it suck? YES.  What do you do when you know what should be right and you have an attorney dragging his heels while the welfare of your child is at jeopardy?  Well, simple, call DSS on your own.  Getting to the point here, my step son is in the care of his great grandparents. (not something we are proud to admit but at that time it was the only choice)  It was in the best interest of the child at that time due to my husband and I living in a motel with 2 children already.  Now they are elderly and health failing.  Nana is wheelchair bound and was just sent home from the nursing home. (not by choice, mind you, but because health insurance is dry)  she isn’t capable of caring for herself much less a child who thoroughly enjoys being the king of the kingdom.  Papa is neglecting major needed surgeries til nana gets better and can’t keep his memory long enough to make the child bathe.  My stepson is fixing to be 12 years old and uses guilt to manipulate emotions in people.  He lies constantly and they are poisoning him against my husband who has nothing but the want for his son to come home.  To top it all off the child still believes that my husband and my children are his cousins.  All because this is what nana has burned into his head.  If he were to know that they were siblings he would want to be with them so they will not let him know.  I mean seriously??????  How do you not know that if you all call the same man DADDY, that you aren’t siblings?  Oh well.  
They received the child custody this morning and to let you know the kicker, it wasn’t even the grand parents that called to bitch, IT WAS THE BOY!!!!!   Point blank, I do NOT discuss legal matters with a child.  It doesn’t concern him.  Now the court system wants to wait til the beginning of next year to do anything.  I think NOT.  By that point they will have poisoned him so badly against his dad that it will be even worse.   Please don’t think any of this is out of vengeance my husband has been wanting custody of his son since we got stable in a home.  6 years ago.   Now it’s just a vital necessity. Nana should still be under 24/7 care and isn’t and papa can’t remember how to get home half the time. 
Earlier today papa went to the store and left the boy home with nana to care for while he went out.  NOT COOL.  She had to go to the bathroom and there was no one who could take her.  The last we knew of the child hadn’t bathed or changed clothes since Monday.  It’s Friday now.   Ew!!!!   What do we do???  My husband is now to the point of rage at his grandparents and the legal system.  Why is it that doing it the right way never works?   He has only had visitation once in 10 years.  And even that was pure hell.   They called every day reassuring the child that they could not function without him so he cried the whole time.  They even came to our door early to take him home.  From Tennessee!!!!!!    Go figure.  
Well enough rambling about this I’m pissed off as it is for my husband’s situation.  Any advice is welcome.  Thanks for listening.

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