Monday, June 6, 2011

sometimes men are blind idiots or smart idiots?

Have you ever wondered why a guy may never notice that girlie checking him out but yet as his better half you notice everything?  Man it drives me nuts when I visit my hubby at work.  I figured I’d take the kids to tell about what they did at VBS tonite and man I was in a good mood til I got there.  Left in a not-so-good-highly vengeful mood….LOL   well it may have been work to him but her it was more of an “attention’s all on me” kinda attitude.   One of these days I think for the hell of it I may walk in the door with my arsenal on my belt.  J  I mean seriously, how long do you need to be trained on picking up stray groceries.   Seriously how stupid are you?  The meat you find in the eggs DOESN’T go there.  You don’t need a leader for that.  Only teeny boppers think my husband has it all.  LOL  I know men have a need to feel bigger and better than they really are but geez.  When I walk in the door you can at least say hey honey to prevent me from tazing you in your sleep.  Or throwing your dinner to the dogs.  I don’t take kindly to being ignored so you can fill your ego.  I am a jealous and pissy wife.  LOL  hell if I got to put up with 4 kids who think my mental breakdowns are hilarious then I’m gonna take you down with me.  LOL  my daughter always wants to know when she can beat up some crazy chick who looked at daddy.  I told her to let it go they weren’t worth it.  If there is a woman or little teeny bopper who thinks I am cheap then I got something to tell you……” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”  4 kids and a wife like me is not a money burden you want.  But yet, it’s not her fault she’s an idiot.  Someone should have told her the package that comes with that chase is way to big for any woman to carry.  Let it go!!!!!    Last time someone tried that they lost big time.  Oh well, it’s still a man’s blind ignorance that causes little girls to think they are available. They are born ignorant.  Sorry men but DNA says your programmed that way.  At least programmed to have the need to be respected.  I respect you just not enough to let you be the boss.   There are limits and I stress them very well.   Ok enough venting on the ignorance of teenage girls and men.  

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